Source code for Astraea.Astraea

import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pickle
import os 
import pkg_resources

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import astropy.utils as au
import astropy.coordinates as coord

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
#from sklearn.externals import joblib
#import joblib
"""--------------------------------------------- start of function to download/load RF ---------------------------------------------"""
def download_RF_class(filename,url=''):
    os.system('wget '+url)
    os.system('mv RF_Class_model.sav?download=1 '+filename)
def download_RF_regr_1est(filename,url=''):
    os.system('wget '+url)
    os.system('mv RF_Regre_model_1est_flicker.sav?download=1 '+filename)

def download_RF_regr_100est(filename,url=''):
    os.system('wget '+url)
    os.system('mv RF_Regre_model_100est_flicker.sav?download=1 '+filename)

# load testing data
def load_KeplerTest():
    if not os.path.exists('./data/'):
        os.system('mkdir data')
    if not os.path.exists('./data/TestingData.pkl'):
        os.system('mkdir data')
        os.system('mv TestingData.pkl?download=1 ./data/TestingData.pkl')
    return pd.read_pickle('./data/TestingData.pkl')

[docs]def load_RF(): """ Load random forest classifier and regressors from Two regressors will be laoded, one with 1 estimator and one with 100 estimators. 1 estimator minimizes bias (systematic offset) with the cost of high varience (scattering) and 100 estimators minimizes varience and maximizes bias. If user wants to predict rotation period from Kepler light curves then it is best to use model with 100 estimiators and user should use model with 1 estimator otherwise. Model trained on TESS light curves are still being developed. """ DataFolder=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,'/data') class_file=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,'/data/RF_Class_model.sav') reg_file_1est=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,'/data/RF_Regre_model_1est_flicker.sav') reg_file_100est=pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,'/data/RF_Regre_model_100est_flicker.sav') print(class_file) if not os.path.exists(DataFolder): os.system('mkdir '+DataFolder) if not os.path.exists(class_file): print('downloading classifier!') download_RF_class(class_file) if not os.path.exists(reg_file_1est): print('downloading regressor with 1 estimator!') download_RF_regr_1est(reg_file_1est) if not os.path.exists(reg_file_100est): print('downloading regressor with 100 estimators!') download_RF_regr_100est(reg_file_100est) return pickle.load(open(class_file, 'rb')),pickle.load(open(reg_file_1est, 'rb')), pickle.load(open(reg_file_100est, 'rb'))
"""--------------------------------------------- end of function to download/load RF ---------------------------------------------""" """--------------------------------------------- start of function to use trained RF to get Prot ---------------------------------------------"""
[docs]def FLICKERinstall(): """ Installs the FLICKER software to calcualte Flicker values from light curves. Documentation: """ os.system('pip install git+')
#os.system('git clone') #os.system('cd FLICKER') #os.system('python install') #os.system('cd ..')
[docs]def getTrainF(): """Print out needed featuers for the model in order. """ Features_class=['LG_peaks', 'Rvar', 'parallax', 'radius_percentile_lower', 'radius_percentile_upper', 'phot_g_mean_flux_over_error', 'bp_g'] Features_regr=['teff','bp_g','lum_val','v_tan','phot_g_mean_flux_over_error','v_b','radius_val','b','Rvar','flicker'] print(">>> classification features are: ['LG_peaks [Lomb-Scargle peak height]', 'Rvar [ppm]', 'parallax [gaia]', 'radius_percentile_lower [gaia]', 'radius_percentile_upper [gaia]', 'phot_g_mean_flux_over_error [gaia]', 'bp_g [gaia]']\n\n") print(">>> regression features are: ['teff [gaia]','bp_g [gaia]','lum_val [gaia]','v_tan [getVs()]','phot_g_mean_flux_over_error [gaia]','v_b [getVs()]','radius_val [gaia]','b [gaia]','Rvar [ppm]','flicker [FLICKER]']\n\n") return Features_class,Features_regr
[docs]def getKeplerProt(X_pred): """Predict rotation period from trained models. This function predicts rotation periods for stars in the Kepler field. The models are trained on rotation periods from `McQuillian et all. (2014) <>`_, `Santos et all. (2019) <>`_ and `Garcia et all. (2014) <>`_. If the models are not already downloaded, this tool will download the model which might take a couple of minues. It first passes the stars through a classifier, which identifies what stars have measureable rotation periods. Then it uses two regressor models (one with 1 estimator and another one with 100 estimators) to predict rotation periods. If column "Prot" exist, it will also output the true periods associated with the predicted periods. The light curve feature "flicker" can be calculated using software `FLICKER <>`_. Args: X_pred ([Pandas DataFrame]): DataFrame contains all variables needed, run Astraea.getTrainF() to print out requirements Returns: <pandas.DataFrame> or <pandas.Series>: :Containing: :TrueProt: True rotation period (if avaliable) :Prot_prediction_1est: Period predictions with 1 estimator :Prot_prediction_100est: Period prediction with 100 estimators """ # see what features are needed Features_class,Features_regr=getTrainF() # check if satisfy classification features, if not, exit function try: X_pred[Features_class] except KeyError: print("Make sure ['LG_peaks', 'Rvar', 'parallax', 'radius_percentile_lower', 'radius_percentile_upper', 'phot_g_mean_flux_over_error', 'bp_g'] are in DataFrame for classifier!") print("Exiting...") return None # check if satisfy regressor features try: X_pred[Features_regr] except KeyError: print("Make sure ['teff','bp_g','lum_val','v_tan','phot_g_mean_flux_over_error','v_b','radius_val','b','Rvar','flicker'] are in DataFrame for regressor!") print("Exiting...") return None # load random forest models RF_class,RF_regr_1,RF_regr_100=load_RF() # get subset dropping NAs X_pred_class=X_pred[np.append(Features_regr,Features_class)].dropna() # drop duplicate columns X_pred_class=X_pred_class.loc[:,~X_pred_class.columns.duplicated()] # classify first... print("Total "+str(len(X_pred))+" stars!") print('Classifing '+str(len(X_pred_class))+' stars!') probs = RF_class.predict_proba(X_pred_class[Features_class]) preds = probs[:,1] for i in range(len(preds)): if preds[i]<=0.4: preds[i]=0 else: preds[i]=1 print(str(sum(preds))+' stars have predictable rotation periods ('+ str(float(sum(preds))/float(len(X_pred))*100)+'%)') X_pred_class['Prot_class']=preds # pick out stars that have rotation periods X_pred_regr=X_pred_class[Features_regr] print("Predicting rotation periods!") # predict rotation periods with 1 estimator Prot_predictions_1est=RF_regr_1.predict(X_pred_regr.values) # predict rotation periods with 100 estimator Prot_predictions_100est=RF_regr_100.predict(X_pred_regr.values) print("Finished!") try: TrueProt=X_pred.iloc[X_pred_class.index].Prot.values try: TrueProt_err=X_pred.iloc[X_pred_class.index].Prot_err.values return pd.DataFrame(np.array((TrueProt,TrueProt_err, Prot_predictions_1est, Prot_predictions_100est)).T,columns=['True Prot','True Prot_err','Prot prediction w/ 1 est','Prot prediction w/ 100 est']) except: return pd.DataFrame(np.array((TrueProt, Prot_predictions_1est, Prot_predictions_100est)).T,columns=['True Prot','Prot prediction w/ 1 est','Prot prediction w/ 100 est']) except: print("Can't identify true rotation period! Does not exist or rename column to 'Prot'!") return pd.DataFrame(np.array((Prot_predictions_1est, Prot_predictions_100est)).T,columns=['Prot prediction w/ 1 est','Prot prediction w/ 100 est'])
"""--------------------------------------------- end of function to use trained RF to get Prot ---------------------------------------------""" """--------------------------------------------- start of calculating light curve statistics ---------------------------------------------"""
[docs]def getRvar(Flux): """Calculates light curve Rvar Args: Flux: The light curve flux in ppm Returns: Rvar ([float]): The variability of the light curve """ return abs(np.percentile(Flux,95)-np.percentile(Flux,5))
from astropy.timeseries import LombScargle
[docs]def getLGpeak(t,sig,sig_err): """Calculates the location of the highest peak and the maximum power of the hightest peak Args: t: Time [days] sig: Flux sig_err: Flux error Returns: :LG_Prot ([float]): The period calculated from Lomb-Scargle :LG_peaks ([float]): The maximum peak height """ # lomb-scargle # get frequencies freq = np.linspace(1./abs(t[-1]-t[0]), 1./abs(t[1]-t[0])*0.5, 100000) # periods ps = 1./freq power = LombScargle(t,sig,sig_err).power(freq) peaks = np.array([i for i in range(1, len(ps)-1) if power[i-1]<power[i] and power[i+1] < power[i]]) return ps[power == max(power[peaks])][0],max(power[peaks])
# calcualte v_t, v_b by passing in a dataframe with parallax, pmra, pmdec, ra, dec
[docs]def getVs(df): """ Calculates tangential velocity (v_tan) and vertical velocity proximation (v_b). Args: df ([Pandas DataFrame]): DataFrame contains columns 'parallax', 'pmra', 'pmdec', 'ra', 'dec', which are parallax, ra proper motion, dec propermotion, right ascension and declination, respectively Returns: :v_t ([array-like]): Tangential velocity :v_b ([array-like]): Proxy for vertical velocity """ d = coord.Distance(parallax=np.array(df.parallax) * u.mas,allow_negative=True) vra = (np.array(df.pmra)*u.mas/u.yr * d).to(, u.dimensionless_angles()) vdec = (np.array(df.pmdec)*u.mas/u.yr * d).to(, u.dimensionless_angles()) v_t=np.sqrt(np.power(vra,2.)+np.power(vdec,2.)) # vtan # v_b as a proxy for v_z: c = coord.SkyCoord(ra=np.array(df.ra)*u.deg, dec=np.array(df.dec)*u.deg, distance=d, pm_ra_cosdec=np.array(df.pmra)*u.mas/u.yr, pm_dec=np.array(df.pmdec)*u.mas/u.yr) gal = c.galactic v_b = (gal.pm_b * gal.distance).to(, u.dimensionless_angles()) # vb return v_t,v_b
[docs]def getFlicker(t,sig): """Calculates the Flicker value Args: t: Time [days] sig: Flux Returns: :Flicker ([float]): Flicker value """ try: import FLICKER except: FLICKERinstall() import FLICKER return FLICKER.Flicker(t,sig)
"""--------------------------------------------- end of calculating light curve statistics ---------------------------------------------""" """--------------------------------------------- star of functions not related to RF --------------------------------------------- """ # calculates chisq def calcChi(TrueVal,PreVal,TrueVal_err): """Calculate average chisq value and ignore stars without error measurements Args: TrueVal ([array-like]): True values to compare to PreVal ([array-like]): Predicted values TrueVal_err ([array-like]): Errors for true values Returns: ave_chi ([float]): Average chisq value """ validv=0 for i in range(len(TrueVal)): if TrueVal_err[i]==0 or TrueVal_err[i]==np.nan: TrueVal[i]=0 PreVal[i]=0 TrueVal_err[i]=1 validv=validv+1 ave_chi=sum([(TrueVal[i]-PreVal[i])**2./TrueVal_err[i] for i in range(len(TrueVal_err))])/(len(PreVal)-validv) return ave_chi # calculates median relative error def MRE(TrueVal,PreVal,TrueVal_err=[]): """Calculate median relative error Args: TrueVal ([array-like]): True values to compare to PreVal ([array-like]): Predicted values TrueVal_err (Optional [array-like]): Errors for true values Returns: meree ([float]): Median relative error """ validv=0 meree=np.median([abs(TrueVal[i]-PreVal[i])/TrueVal[i] for i in range(len(TrueVal))]) return meree # plot different features vs Prot
[docs]def plot_corr(df,y_vars,x_var='Prot',logplotarg=[],logarg=[],MS=1): """Plot correlations on one variable vs other variables specified by user Args: df ([Pandas DataFrame]): DataFrame contains all variables needed y_vars ([string list]): List of variables on y axis x_var (optional [string]): Value for all x axis logplotarg (Optional [string list]): Variables to plot in loglog scale logarg (Optional [string] or [string list]): 'loglog' or 'logx' or 'logy' (default is linear). If it is a list, each argument in *logplotarg* correspond to each scale in *logarg* in order MS (Optional [int]): Markersize for plotting Returns: <matplotlib.plot>: plots for feature correlations """ # add in Prot Prot=df[x_var] df=df[y_vars].dropna() Prot=Prot[df.index] topn=len(y_vars) # get subplot config com_mul=[] # get all multiplier for i in range(1,topn): if float(topn)/float(i)-int(float(topn)/float(i))==0: com_mul.append(i) # total rows and columns col=int(np.median(com_mul)) row=int(topn/col) if col*row<topn: if col<row: row=row+1 else: col=col+1 # plot feature vs Prot plt.figure(figsize=(int(topn*2.5),int(topn*2.5))) for i in range(topn): plt.subplot(row,col,i+1) featurep=df[y_vars[i]] if len(logarg)==1: if y_vars[i] in logplotarg: if logarg=='loglog': plt.loglog(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) elif logarg=='logx': plt.semilogx(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) elif logarg=='logy': plt.semilogy(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) else: plt.plot(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) else: if y_vars[i] in logplotarg: logsca=logarg[logplotarg.index(y_vars[i])] if logsca=='loglog': plt.loglog(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) elif logsca=='logx': plt.semilogx(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) elif logsca=='logy': plt.semilogy(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) else: plt.plot(Prot,featurep,'k.',markersize=MS) plt.title(y_vars[i],fontsize=25) stddata=np.std(featurep) plt.ylim([np.median(featurep)-3*stddata,np.median(featurep)+3*stddata]) plt.xlabel(x_var) plt.ylabel(y_vars[i])
"""--------------------------------------------- end of functions not related to RF --------------------------------------------- """ """--------------------------------------------- RF training and results --------------------------------------------- """ # RF classifier
[docs]def RFclassifier(df,testF,modelout=False,traind=0.8,ID_on='KID',X_train_ind=[],X_test_ind=[],target_var='Prot_flag',n_estimators=100, criterion='gini', max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None, bootstrap=True, oob_score=False, n_jobs=None, random_state=None, verbose=0, warm_start=False, class_weight=None): """Train RF classifier model and predict values for cross-validation dataset. It uses scikit-learn Random Forest classifier model. All default hyper-parameters are taken from the scikit-learn model that user can change by adding in optional inputs. More details on hyper-parameters, see To use the module to train a RF model to predict rotation period, input a pandas dataFrame with column names as well as a list of attribute names. Args: df ([Pandas DataFrame]): DataFrame contains all variables needed testF ([string list]): List of feature names used to train modelout (Optional [bool]): Whether to only output the trained model traind (Optinal [float]): Fraction of data use to train, the rest will be used to perform cross-validation test (default 0.8) ID_on (Optional [string]): What is the star identifier column name (default 'KID'). If specified ID column does not exist, it will just take the index as ID X_train_ind (Optional [list]): List of *ID_on* for training set, if not specified, take random *traind* fraction of indexes from *ID_on* column X_test_ind (Optional [list]): List of *ID_on* for testing set, if not specified, take the remaining (1-*traind*) fraction of indexes from *ID_on* column that is not in the training set (*X_train_ind*) target_var (Optional [string]): Label column name (default 'Prot_flag') Returns: <RF model>, <pandas.Series>: :regr: Sklearn RF classifier model (attributes see :<pandas.Series> containing: :actrualF ([string list]): Actrual features used :importance ([float list]): Impurity-based feature importance ordering as *actrualF* :ID_train ([list]): List of *ID_on* used for training set :ID_test ([list]): List of *ID_on* used for testing set :predictp ([float list]): List of prediction on testing set :X_test ([matrix]): Matrix used to predict label values for testing set :y_test ([array-like]): Array of true label values of testing set :X_train ([matrix]): Matrix used to predict label values for training set :y_train ([array-like]): Array of true label values of training set """ print('Simpliest example:\n regr,regr_outs = RFregressor(df,testF)\n') if len(X_train_ind)==0: print('Fraction of data used to train:',traind) else: print('Training KID specified!\n') print('Estimated fraction of data used to train:',float(len(X_train_ind))/float(len(df[target_var]))) print('# of Features attempt to train:',len(testF)) print('Features attempt to train:',testF) # check if there is an ID if ID_on not in df.columns: df[ID_on]=range(len(df)) print('ID column not found, using index as ID!') fl=len(df.columns) # how many features keys=range(fl) flib=dict(zip(keys, df.columns)) featl_o=len(df[target_var]) # old feature length before dropping actrualF=[] # actrual feature used # fill in feature array lenX=0 missingf=[] for i in df.columns: feature=df[i].values if (type(feature[0]) is not str) and (i in testF): if sum(np.isnan(feature))<0.1*featl_o: lenX=lenX+1 actrualF.append(i) else: missingf.append(i) X=df[actrualF] X=X.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X=X.dropna() featl=np.shape(X)[0] #print(featl) print(str(featl_o)+' stars in dataframe!') if len(missingf)!=0: print('Missing features:',missingf) if (featl_o-featl)!=0: print('Missing '+ str(featl_o-featl)+' stars from null values in data!\n') print(str(featl)+' total stars used for RF!') #print(X_train_ind) if len(X_train_ind)==0: # output y=df[target_var][X.index].values ID_ar=df[ID_on][X.index].values X=X.values Ntrain = int(traind*featl) # Choose stars at random and split. shuffle_inds = np.arange(len(y)) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_inds) train_inds = shuffle_inds[:Ntrain] test_inds = shuffle_inds[Ntrain:] y_train, ID_train, X_train = y[train_inds],ID_ar[train_inds],X[train_inds, :] y_test, ID_test, X_test = y[test_inds], ID_ar[test_inds],X[test_inds, :] test_inds,y_test, ID_test, X_test=zip(*sorted(zip(test_inds,y_test, ID_test, X_test))) test_inds=np.array(test_inds) y_test=np.array(y_test) ID_test=np.array(ID_test) X_test=np.asarray(X_test) else: datafT=df.loc[X.index].loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_train_ind)] datafTes=df.loc[X.index].loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_test_ind)] y_train, X_train = datafT[target_var].values, X.loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_train_ind)].values y_test, X_test = datafTes[target_var].values, X.loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_test_ind)].values print(str(len(y_train))+' training stars!') # run random forest regr = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, criterion=criterion, max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, min_weight_fraction_leaf=min_weight_fraction_leaf, max_features=max_features, max_leaf_nodes=max_leaf_nodes, min_impurity_decrease=min_impurity_decrease, min_impurity_split=min_impurity_split, bootstrap=bootstrap, oob_score=oob_score, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose, warm_start=warm_start, class_weight=class_weight), y_train) # get the importance of each feature importance=regr.feature_importances_ print('Finished training! Making predictions!') # make prediction predictp=regr.predict(X_test) print('Finished predicting!') if len(X_train_ind)!=0: ID_train=datafT[ID_on].values ID_test=datafTes[ID_on].values ID_train=[int(i) for i in ID_train] ID_test=[int(i) for i in ID_test] print('Finished!') return regr,pd.Series([importance,actrualF,ID_train,ID_test,predictp,X_test,y_test,X_train,y_train],index=['importance','actrualF','ID_train','ID_test','prediction','X_test','y_test','X_train','y_train'])
# RF regressor
[docs]def RFregressor(df,testF,modelout=False,traind=0.8,ID_on='KID',X_train_ind=[],X_test_ind=[],target_var='Prot',target_var_err='Prot_err',chisq_out=False,MREout=False,n_estimators=100, criterion='mse', max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None, bootstrap=True, oob_score=False, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=0, warm_start=False): """Train RF regression model and perform cross-validation test. It uses scikit-learn Random Forest regressor model. All default hyper-parameters are taken from the scikit-learn model that user can change by adding in optional inputs. More details on hyper-parameters, see To use the module to train a RF model to predict rotation period, input a pandas dataFrame with column names as well as a list of attribute names. Args: df ([Pandas DataFrame]): DataFrame contains all variables needed testF ([string list]): List of feature names used to train modelout (Optional [bool]): Whether to only output the trained model traind (Optinal [float]): Fraction of data use to train, the rest will be used to perform cross-validation test (default 0.8) ID_on (Optional [string]): What is the star identifier column name (default 'KID'). If specified ID column does not exist, it will just take the index as ID X_train_ind (Optional [list]): List of *ID_on* for training set, if not specified, take random *traind* fraction of indexes from *ID_on* column X_test_ind (Optional [list]): List of *ID_on* for testing set, if not specified, take the remaining (1-*traind*) fraction of indexes from *ID_on* column that is not in the training set (*X_train_ind*) target_var (Optional [string]): Label column name (default 'Prot') target_var_err (Optional [string]): Label error column name (default 'Prot_err') chisq_out (optional [bool]): If true, only output average chisq value MREout (optional [bool]): If true, only output median relative error. If both *chisq_out* and *MREout* are true, then output only these two values Returns: <RF model>, <pandas.Series>: :regr: Sklearn RF regressor model (attributes see :<pandas.Series> containing: :actrualF ([string list]): Actrual features used :importance ([float list]): Impurity-based feature importance ordering as *actrualF* :ID_train ([list]): List of *ID_on* used for training set :ID_test ([list]): List of *ID_on* used for testing set :predictp ([float list]): List of prediction on testing set :ave_chi ([float]): Average chisq on cross-validation (testing) set :MRE_val ([float]): Median relative error on cross-validation (testing) set :X_test ([matrix]): Matrix used to predict label values for testing set :y_test ([array-like]): Array of true label values of testing set :X_train ([matrix]): Matrix used to predict label values for training set :y_train ([array-like]): Array of true label values of training set """ print('Simpliest example:\n regr,regr_outs = RFregressor(df,testF)\n') if len(X_train_ind)==0: print('Fraction of data used to train:',traind) else: print('Training KID specified!\n') print('Estimated fraction of data used to train:',float(len(X_train_ind))/float(len(df[target_var]))) print('# of Features attempt to train:',len(testF)) print('Features attempt to train:',testF) # check if there is an ID if ID_on not in df.columns: df[ID_on]=range(len(df)) print('ID column not found, using index as ID!') fl=len(df.columns) # how many features keys=range(fl) flib=dict(zip(keys, df.columns)) featl_o=len(df[target_var]) # old feature length before dropping actrualF=[] # actrual feature used # fill in feature array lenX=0 missingf=[] for i in df.columns: feature=df[i].values if (type(feature[0]) is not str) and (i in testF): if sum(np.isnan(feature))<0.1*featl_o: lenX=lenX+1 actrualF.append(i) else: missingf.append(i) X=df[actrualF] X=X.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) X=X.dropna() featl=np.shape(X)[0] #print(featl) print(str(featl_o)+' stars in dataframe!') if len(missingf)!=0: print('Missing features:',missingf) if (featl_o-featl)!=0: print('Missing '+ str(featl_o-featl)+' stars from null values in data!\n') print(str(featl)+' total stars used for RF!') #print(X_train_ind) if len(X_train_ind)==0: # output y=df[target_var][X.index].values y_err=df[target_var_err][X.index].values ID_ar=df[ID_on][X.index].values X=X.values Ntrain = int(traind*featl) # Choose stars at random and split. shuffle_inds = np.arange(len(y)) np.random.shuffle(shuffle_inds) train_inds = shuffle_inds[:Ntrain] test_inds = shuffle_inds[Ntrain:] y_train, y_train_err, ID_train, X_train = y[train_inds], y_err[train_inds],ID_ar[train_inds],X[train_inds, :] y_test, y_test_err, ID_test, X_test = y[test_inds], y_err[test_inds],ID_ar[test_inds],X[test_inds, :] test_inds,y_test, y_test_err, ID_test, X_test=zip(*sorted(zip(test_inds,y_test, y_test_err, ID_test, X_test))) test_inds=np.array(test_inds) y_test=np.array(y_test) y_test_err=np.array(y_test_err) ID_test=np.array(ID_test) X_test=np.asarray(X_test) else: datafT=df.loc[X.index].loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_train_ind)] datafTes=df.loc[X.index].loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_test_ind)] y_train, y_train_err,X_train = datafT[target_var].values, datafT[target_var_err].values,X.loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_train_ind)].values y_test, y_test_err,X_test = datafTes[target_var].values, datafTes[target_var].values,X.loc[df[ID_on].isin(X_test_ind)].values print(str(len(y_train))+' training stars!') # run random forest regr = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators, criterion=criterion, max_depth=max_depth, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, min_weight_fraction_leaf=min_weight_fraction_leaf, max_features=max_features, max_leaf_nodes=max_leaf_nodes, min_impurity_decrease=min_impurity_decrease, min_impurity_split=min_impurity_split, bootstrap=bootstrap, oob_score=oob_score, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose, warm_start=warm_start), y_train) # get the importance of each feature importance=regr.feature_importances_ print('Finished training! Making predictions!') # make prediction predictp=regr.predict(X_test) print('Finished predicting! Calculating statistics!') # calculate chisq and MRE MRE_val=MRE(y_test,predictp,y_test_err) ave_chi=calcChi(y_test,predictp,y_test_err) print('Median Relative Error is:',MRE_val) print('Average chi^2 is:',ave_chi) if chisq_out: if MREout: print('Finished!') return ave_chi,MRE_val else: print('Finished!') return ave_chi elif MREout: print('Finished!') return MRE_val else: if len(X_train_ind)!=0: ID_train=datafT[ID_on].values ID_test=datafTes[ID_on].values ID_train=[int(i) for i in ID_train] ID_test=[int(i) for i in ID_test] print('Finished!') return regr,pd.Series([importance,actrualF,ID_train,ID_test,predictp,ave_chi,MRE_val,X_test,y_test,X_train,y_train],index=['importance','actrualF','ID_train','ID_test','prediction','ave_chi2','MRE','X_test','y_test','X_train','y_train'])
# for plotting results for importance and predict vs true
[docs]def plot_result(actrualF,importance,prediction,y_test,y_test_err=[],topn=20,MS=3,labelName='Period'): """Plot impurity-based feature importance as well as predicted values vs true values for a random forest model Args: actrualF ([array-like]): Feature used (from function output of RFregressor()) importance ([array-like]): importance of the model (from function output of RFregressor()) prediction ([array-like]): Predicted values (from function output of RFregressor()) y_test ([array-like]): true values (from function output of RFregressor()) y_test_err (Optional [array-like]): Errors for true values (from function output of RFregressor()) topn (Optional [int]): How many most important features to plot MS (Optional [int]): Markersize for plotting true vs predicted values labelName (Optional [string]): Label name Returns: <matplotlib.plot>: importance plot as well as true vs prediction plot """ plt.rcParams.keys() plt.rc('font', family='serif') params = { 'axes.labelsize': 30, 'axes.linewidth': 1.5, 'legend.fontsize': 25, 'legend.frameon': False, 'lines.linewidth': 2, 'xtick.direction': 'in', 'xtick.labelsize': 25, 'xtick.major.bottom': True, 'xtick.major.pad': 10, 'xtick.major.size': 10, 'xtick.major.width': 1, 'xtick.minor.bottom': True, 'xtick.minor.pad': 3.5, 'xtick.minor.size': 5, '': True, 'xtick.minor.visible': True, 'xtick.minor.width': 1, '': True, 'ytick.direction': 'in', 'ytick.labelsize': 25, 'ytick.major.pad': 10, 'ytick.major.size': 10, 'ytick.major.width': 1, 'ytick.minor.pad': 3.5, 'ytick.minor.size': 5, 'ytick.minor.visible': True, 'ytick.minor.width': 1, 'ytick.right': True, } plt.rcParams.update(params) topn=min([topn,len(actrualF)]) # zip the importance with its feature name list1 = list(zip(actrualF,importance)) # sort the zipped list decend=sorted(list1, key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True) #print(decend) # how many features to plot x=range(topn) #################### get most important features ############################################################ y_val=[decend[i][1] for i in range(topn)] my_xticks=[decend[i][0] for i in range(topn)] plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) plt.title('Most important features',fontsize=25) plt.xticks(x, my_xticks) plt.plot(x, y_val,'k-') plt.xlim([min(x),max(x)]) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.ylabel('importance') #################### get most important features ############################################################ # prediction vs true if len(y_test_err)==0: plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(prediction),'k-',label='y=x') plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(1.1*prediction),'b--',label='10% Error') plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(0.9*prediction),'b--') plt.plot(y_test,prediction,'r.',Markersize=MS,alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Predicted '+labelName) plt.xlabel('True '+labelName) plt.ylim([min(prediction),max(prediction)]) plt.xlim([min(prediction),max(prediction)]) plt.legend() else: plt.figure(figsize=(20,8)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(prediction),'k-',label='y=x') plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(1.1*prediction),'b--',label='10% Error') plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(0.9*prediction),'b--') plt.plot(y_test,prediction,'r.',Markersize=MS,alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Predicted '+labelName) plt.xlabel('True Period') plt.ylim([min(prediction),max(prediction)]) plt.xlim([min(prediction),max(prediction)]) plt.legend() plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(prediction),'k-',label='y=x') plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(1.1*prediction),'b--',label='10% Error') plt.plot(sorted(prediction),sorted(0.9*prediction),'b--') plt.errorbar(y_test,prediction,xerr=y_test_err,fmt='r.',Markersize=MS,alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('Predicted '+labelName) plt.xlabel('True '+labelName) plt.ylim([min(prediction),max(prediction)]) plt.xlim([min(prediction),max(prediction)]) plt.legend() avstedv=MRE(y_test,prediction,y_test_err) print('Median relative error is: ',avstedv)